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Serious Sam 2: Update 2.90 bringt u.a. neue Waffen in die PC-Fassung

Update 2.90 bringt u.a. neue Waffen in die PC-Fassung

Nicht nur Serious Sam 4 hat heute auf dem PC Modding-Support bekommen. Zur Feier von 20 Jahren Serious Sam hat Croteam zusätzlich ein Update zu Serious Sam 2 aus dem Jahr 2005 veröffentlicht (siehe Steam). Update 2.90 wurde von Nathan Brown (Modder von Serious Sam 2 und langjähriges Croteam-Mitglied) erstellt und bietet eine Reihe von Verbesserungen im Spielablauf sowie zwölf bisher unveröffentlichte Multiplayer-Maps – so der Hersteller.

Neu dabei sind u.a. „Dual-Wielding, Enemy Multiplier und neue Waffen“. Für die Original-Xbox dürfte das Update vermutlich nicht mehr veröffentlicht werden. Hier das komplette Changelog für den PC:

Serious Sam 2 Update 2.90 Changelog

What’s new:

– Sam can now wield a brand new weapon called the BeamGun (aka The Ghost Buster from the original Serious Sam design document)
– Enemy multiplier option is now available in singleplayer and co-op. Go, create your own Legion System in Serious Sam 2.
– Duke it out on 12 previously unreleased multiplayer maps, coming to you straight from the dusty basement at Croteam HQ. Those include Yodeller, Stadium, Hole, Desert Temple, and more.
– A brand new Flame-Thrower weapon is now available to all you modders out there, and so is the napalm item, so you can feed it.
 – Sam finally learned to dual wield all of his toys. That’s pretty cool if I do say so myself.
– You know what else is cool? The ability to sprint. Well, Sam can do that now, too.
– He can also Rocket Jump, just like in the classics.
– Get lost no more with the brand new Enemy, NPC, and Objective radar.

Stability and performance fixes:

– Fixed the notorious profile corruption issue. It’s been five million years, but we got there.

Gameplay changes and fixes:

– The RollerBall in “The Road to Ursul” level will no longer self destroy!
– Uzis firing speed has been doubled and the damage per bullet reduced from 10 to 9. Such balance!
– Fixed statistics menu not showing correctly when skipping movies.
– Colt Reloading has been added.

Visual changes:
– Hud, menu, and mic textures have been upscaled by 2x!
– All fonts are now available in shiny high definition, thanks to the House Of Sam.
– Improved animations for the Chainsaw, Rocket, and Grenade launchers.
– Screen and Bullets animation fix for Minigun.
– Menu fonts no longer force proportional shadow direction and shadow distance in the menu parameters.
– Fixed mapping for the Uzi weapon mesh.
– Fixed mapping for the Minigun weapon mesh.

General changes:
– Crosshair selection has been added, and it comes with different color and size options!
– New menu image and menu music have been added!
– Added a new „Special Thanks“ section to the Extras menu.
– MODDING – Added the ability to specify mouse cursors.
– MODDING – Added saved cvars to show/hide the cheats info, and paused message.
– MODDING – Added debug menu available in the editor to control debug variables. Invoked with the ‚.‘ key.
– MODDING – Added „sam_bSkipMovies“ saved cvar to skip the level intro and outro movies. Applies during gameplay and also stops the menu „attract“ movies from playing.
– MODDING – Added visible version of Entity ID to the Serious Editor 2 entity properties panel.
– MODDING – Added ability to specify mouse cursors (In the Serious Editor).“




3 Kommentare

  1. Weil die Changelog auch überdeutlich danach schreit, ohne jegliche Ironie ernstgenommen zu werden ;)
    Hätte nicht gedacht dass sich Croteam noch um Serious Sam 2 kümmern würde. Croteam tut doch immer so, als hätte es diesen Teil nie gegeben^^...

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